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It’s Finally Happening…Graduation!

Hi there 👋🏼

If you didn’t know I have been attending MSU Denver since 2015 to complete a bachelors in psychology with a minor in computer information systems.

Well finally after 6 years I will be graduating!

I changed my minor multiple times, took a semester off to follow my passion of coding, moved a handful of times, got married, started CkDesigns, and had two kids. Through those years & every transition during I learned a lot about myself. How much I can handle & how much I should handle!

You may be asking psychology? But aren’t you a web developer?


I was more than half way through finishing my psych major, but no minor selected, when I realized that I could follow this coding “hobby” into a career. So I took a semester off to complete a coding boot camp and thats when I decided to minor in computer information systems to add even more tech knowledge to CkDesigns!

Bring your baby to school day…

I know it sounds silly but so much goes into building a website, more than just the code behind the beautiful UX- the user’s perspective. How users are thinking, what influences and guides them think this way. It can be as simple as a color choice leading a potential customer to choose your business over the next. Keeping human psychology in mind when designing a website can truly be the difference you’ve been looking for.

Plus it’s a bonus when working with clients to communicate effectively and understand what you and your business needs are!

So now that I have closed a long chapter in my book I am excited to continue my education journey by focusing on emerge tech, mobile specific topics, like React, and e-commerce.

But first a period of rest through these last few weeks of 2021, to enjoy my family, friends and prepare CkDesigns to CRUSH 2022!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

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